How to Read Novel Rejected By One Loved By The Other Full Chapters

Rejected By One Loved By The Other Novel Read Online, The world of literature is a treasure trove of emotions, stories, and experiences waiting to be explored. Whether you’re an avid bookworm or someone who’s just beginning to take the plunge into the vast sea of novels, you’ve landed in the perfect place. In this article, we’ll dive headfirst into the captivating narrative of “Rejected By One Loved By The Other.” Our mission is to guide you through the delightful journey of reading the full chapters of this literary gem.

“Rejected By One Loved By The Other” is far from your average novel; it’s a work of art that has touched the hearts of countless readers. Whether you’re a fan of romance, drama, or simply appreciate well-woven storytelling, this book has something special to offer. Together, we’ll uncover the intricacies of the story and the characters that bring it to life.

The act of reading a novel is a unique experience, and it’s an art that can transport you to distant lands, introduce you to fascinating characters, and evoke a myriad of emotions. With “Rejected By One Loved By The Other,” you’re in for a literary adventure that promises to captivate your imagination.

As we embark on this journey, we’ll delve into the plot, explore the multifaceted characters, and unravel the underlying themes that make “Rejected By One Loved By The Other” a remarkable piece of fiction. We’ll also discuss the art of reading novels and how to make the most of your literary experience.

So, whether you’re a seasoned bookworm or a newcomer looking for your next great read, join us as we venture into the enticing world of “Rejected By One Loved By The Other.” Let’s open the book and let the magic of storytelling sweep you away on an unforgettable adventure.

Rejected By One Loved By The Other Novel Full Chapters


When she leaves the bathroom, her brother is in the bedroom. She looks between Drew and Eric. “Melody come here.” She looks in his eyes with fear in hers. “I need you to accept my rejection.” He says coolly.”You said you wanted me.””I do. You are the only one that can give me children. Alphas very rarely get she-wolves pregnant unless they are their mates.””Then why are you rejecting me?”

“You will have a house of your own on the pack land, and not need for anything. When I want or need a child, or just want you, I will come to you. Then the one I choose to be Luna will raise the child. Of course, I will let you see the child as an aunt not as the mother.””You want me to be your mistress? A mistress for my own mate?””It won’t be so bad, wait and see. You are like your mother, and I will not get hurt or lose my child.””I am not my mother! I am Melody Timmons! I am not her!””You can say that now, that doesn’t mean that is how you will feel in the future.”

“Fine, if that is what you want. But can I finish my trip with Bonnie? And can I have a piano at the house?””If that is what you want. Eric and I have talked it over, your father also has to be told. Him and my dad, the alpha, weren’t happy about it but they had to leave to help another pack, that’s not important they can deal with it. We will tell them when they get back.””Hurry up, Drew, we have to get back to the pack, we are in charge until they get finish helping that stupid pack.”Melody is half in tears, “I don’t want to go back yet, please? Can I see Bonnie and spend the night here and go home with the rest of the class? Also, I want to finish school, it is important to me.”

“That is all good and doable. Bonnie can come to the house any time she wants.””Thank you, that is kind of you.”Eric teases, “That’s a good girl. We don’t want to leave you in the dungeons. If you couldn’t accept this you would have to spend the rest of your life there. I’m glad you listened.”

Rejected By One Loved By The Other Read Online

From the synopsis above, it makes us curious about the complete story of this novel. For those of you who are curious about the storyline of this novel, you can read the full episode in the Ficjoy application which you can download for free through the Google play store.

After the application is successfully installed, open it and search for Novel Rejected By One Loved By The Other in the search menu for the Ficjoy application.

To make it easier, you can also read it via the following link: Rejected By One Loved By The Other Novel Full Chapters.


That’s a brief review and how to read Rejected By One Loved By The Other Novel Full Chapters through the official application. For those of you who have read this novel, please share your opinions, criticisms or input about this novel in the comments column below, thank you.

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