My Father’s Best Friend Novel by Thalimaedaalicia Read Online

My Father’s Best Friend Novel, For those of you who like reading novels, below we will share a short review and how to read the novel My Father’s Best Friend read online.

My Father’s Best Friend Novel

My Father’s Best Friend is a popular novel released on the Readink application. This novel has a Romance Genre and has a good rating which is certainly very interesting to read.

Synopsis of My Father’s Best Friend Novel

This novel has the following Synopsis: Come on, it’s going to be amazing! Olivia, my best friend, insists. There’s a masquerade costume party at my dad’s company today, and I didn’t want to go, but my friend is very persistent. She’s been trying to convince me for over an hour. I’d rather stay at home, watch a series and eat nonsense! I cover my face with the blanket, hoping to end the argument.

Olivia takes a deep breath and I imagine she’s about to drag me down the stairs. If you don’t get up in five minutes, I swear I’ll drag you! she says angrily. I’ve got nothing to wear, I make up an excuse. Don’t be a liar! I saw the clothes and the amazing mask your mother gave you! she points out.

What do I get if I go? I ask, revealing my face. For fun? She raises an eyebrow. You look like an old lady; you don’t even look 17, she grumbles. I smile at her comment. What’s wrong with wanting to stay at home?

Description of Novel

Title: My Father’s Best Friend

Author: Thalimaedaalicia

Publisher: Readink

Genre: Romance

How to Read My Father’s Best Friend Novel

From the synopsis above, it makes us curious about the complete story of this novel. For those of you who are curious about the storyline of this novel, you can read the full in the Readink application which you can download for free through the Google Play Store.

After the application is successfully installed, open it and search for Novel My Father’s Best Friend the search menu for the Readink application.

To make it easier, you can also read it via the following link: My Father’s Best Friend Novel.


That’s a brief review and how to read My Father’s Best Friend Novel through the application. For those of you who have read this novel, please share your opinions, criticisms or input about this novel in the comments column below, thank you.

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